Powerful royalty software for publishers trusted by the publishing industry
Handle all crucial tasks from rights acquisition, contract creation, and royalty accounting to rights selling and rights accounting with fast and intuitive cloud-based apps on STREAM
This could be your CRR workflow
Klopotek STREAM for Contracts, Rights, and Royalties
Contract Management
Reaching agreements with authors, including creating transparent contracts and making payments exactly adhering to these agreements, is a critical element of the publishing business. Is your solution fit for this? Or do you often have to search for contracts and check the details, or is processing royalty statements a lengthy process and prone to errors (your authors will complain about)?
Deals & their implications: choose software support for essential elements of publishing

Makes creating, storing and handling contractual agreements easy and transparent
Cloud-based contract management is a simple task with Klopotek STREAM. Contract 360° displays all the information that is relevant to you. The Contract Manager provides a clear overview of all active projects with status information on rights acquisition, negotiated terms, and monetary aspects of a deal. And the Workflow Tracking feature of the app Contract Workflow Manager enables you to control, monitor, and document the contracting process from the first draft through approval and signature via defined workflows.
Comprehensive royalty account information at one glance

The Importance of Accurate Royalty Calculations & Statements - Employ Our Royalty Accounting Manager
Making payments exactly adhering to agreements with authors is a critical element of the publishing business. Is your solution fit for this? Or is creating royalty statements a lengthy process and/or prone to errors your authors will complain about?
Royalty Accounting Manager provides instant access to archived royalty statements and payment remittances, enabling users to easily answer author queries. Using dashboard technology, Royalty Recipient Manager helps you to handle all the details that are legally requested for calculating royalties according to the laws and rules of author associations in different countries.
Author Management
Mutually beneficial relationships with your authors are probably the most essential part of publishing: building, sustaining and improving these relationships. Can your software efficiently support you in this? Are you able to quickly provide accurate royalty information? Are your statements clear and without errors?

The STREAM app Author 360°, which can be tailored to the various users in your organization with their different roles, is your basic information center for details about royalty recipients. Using Authors Online, you can make royalty statements and data available to authors and their agents in a secure way, so you'll save time and money. And Royalty Recipient Manager comes with dedicated a widget family for managing your royalty recipients in an optimal way.

A frequent problem rights managers face is ambiguous information about restrictions and the lack of an automated tracking system. In order to meet these challenges, the rights department should implement a solution that supports and guides rights managers throughout the sales process, from checking rights availability to sales reporting.
Klopotek’s Rights Sales Solution covers the entire rights selling process. It consists of the STREAM apps Rights Sales Manager, Rights Accounting Manager, and Rights Sales Contract Manager, which are all seamlessly integrated. The app Intercompany / International Publishing Deals helps company groups to establish and implement a global publishing strategy, as it facilitates managing transactions between different legal entities.

If you operate on a global scale, handling ‘mega deals’ is now easy
Intercompany / International Publishing Deals
This is a question that is very relevant to Publishing Groups operating on a global level: can you support all your business units with one single system that really centralizes your activities?
As an important aspect of helping to establish and implement a global publishing strategy, the Intercompany / International Publishing Deals STREAM web app facilitates managing transactions between different legal entities of your Publishing Group. Transacting business between affiliated companies becomes easy, and you can transmit rights flexibly through all legal entities and report on this to the author in one single royalty statement.