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Manage your relationships with royalty recipients & agencies the smart way

More transparency and more detailed royalty information: with fast and intuitive cloud-based apps on the cloud-based STREAM platform

Author Management

Mutually beneficial relationships with your authors are probably the most essential part of publishing: building, sustaining, and improving these relationships. Can your software efficiently support you in this? Are you able to quickly provide accurate royalty information? Are your statements clear and without errors?  


Tailored royalty information for authors, agencies, and publisher’s employees

Key features and benefits
  • Web-based app with display and search options as well as the distribution of e-statements

  • Fast and easy access for authors, agencies, and publisher’s employees

  • Detailed overview of royalties, advance payments and subsidiary rights (options for drilling down)

  • Shorter lines of communication, reduced workload in the royalties and accounting departments

  • Better author relationships as a result of constant and immediate access to current and historical information

Authors Online

Fast and easy access for all people in need of information on royalties, advances and subsidiary rights

The browser-based solution Authors Online offers your employees as well as authors and agencies easy-to-access, intuitive information on royalties, advances and subsidiary rights. In addition, you can create and send out e-statements (electronic royalty statements).

Authors Online runs on Klopotek STREAM, a cloud-centric platform for optimised user interaction on desktop computers and mobile devices.

It is the ideal web app for everyone in publishing who needs direct and fast access to key information (at the office or while travelling, using a smartphone or a tablet), including options for drilling down to view important details, such as distribution channels, areas and royalties rules as well as subsidiary rights earnings and shares.

Using STREAM is fun. In the STREAM world, the user is at the center of everything.

Peter Karwowski, CTO


For cooperating with authors …

With Authors Online you can offer your authors an important, additional benefit: more transparency and more detailed royalty information – including a comprehensive history.

The data which they can potentially view include:

  • Advance payments

  • Revenues sorted by type and period

  • Royalties sorted by market

  • Royalties sorted by version

  • Subsidiary rights revenues sorted by type and period

  • View and download royalty statements

Authors Online can be integrated in an electronic document creation and dispatch workflow, so that e-statements can be safely viewed in downloaded from the app. Sending out e-statements instead of printed statements saves time, decreases your costs (paper, printing, postage) and is environmentally friendly (resource conservation).

For cooperating with agencies …

Authors Online makes it easier to provide agents with comprehensive information, giving you a competitive edge in rights acquisitions, because agents can quickly and easily access all the information related to their authors.

For your employees …

You can employ Authors Online in the back office as a fast, easy-to-use reporting tool for royalties – either for the royalties department itself, which can access Authors Online directly from contracts in Klopotek PPM (Product Planning and Management system), or for other employees who simply want to get a quick overview of particular authors or titles.

Decision-making processes in your publishing house will be streamlined, because management can evaluate the success of an author – retrospectively or prospectively – at any time without having to request details from the accounting or royalties departments.


Your basic information center for details about royalty recipients

Key features and benefits
  • 360° view of author details: information center for jumping to other applications

  • Central entry point from author perspective to the CRR area (Contracts, Rights, and Royalties) of our software; direct link to TEP area (Title Management, Editorial, and Production)

  • Can be used as entry point for all interactions with your royalty recipients, to view contracts, to check royalty statements, etc.

  • Bookmarks; recent activities

  • Arrange widgets on your personalized dashboard as desired

Author 360

Quick access to all your author information, tailor-made for each user’s workplace and device  

Author 360° provides a complete 360° view on all author information to the various functional types of users in your organization with a configurable, widget-based dashboard. It also provides seamless and fast jump-out functionality to other applications of our CRR suite. 

Author 360° is directly connected to key applications in the area of contracts, rights, and royalties, but can also jump to Product 360° and thus to the Title Management, Editorial, and Production area of our solution.

Recent activities which have been done using the app are stored, and ‘top authors’ you work with every day can be bookmarked.

This application runs on STREAM, Klopotek’s cloud-based platform for optimized user interaction on computers and mobile devices.


Makes it easy to manage all details legally requested for calculating royalties

Key features and benefits
  • Helps to handle all details that are legally requested for calculating royalties according to laws and rules of author associations in different countries  

  • Royalty recipients can also be agencies or beneficiaries of an author  

  • The conditions for royalty settlement are defined at proprietor or company level

  • Take viewing and managing royalty recipient data to a STREAM app level

  • Working with the app is easy: use the blazing-fast search functionality to look for the royalty  recipient  you  want  to  manage.  

  • Advanced  search  criteria  can  include  agency,  tax  number,  payment  type,  among  many  others.  

  • Blazing-fast search functionality with advanced search criteria  

  • Seamlessly integrated with other applications in the area of contracts, rights, and royalties

  • State-of-the-art dashboard technology with configurable widgets  

  • Dedicated widget family for managing royalty recipients

Royalty Recipient Manager
Royalty Recipient Manager_Screens.png

Take viewing and managing royalty recipient data to a STREAM app level 


The Royalty Recipient Manager handles all details that are relevant for calculating royalties according to laws and rules of author associations in different countries. Royalty recipients can also be agencies or beneficiaries of an author. When you create a royalty recipient, the conditions for royalty settlement are defined at proprietor or company level.


Working with the app is easy: use the blazing-fast search functionality to look for the royalty recipient you want to manage. Advanced search criteria can include agency, tax number, payment type, among many others.


If there have been changes to the royalty recipient data, for example, a new tax exemption, you simply enter the modified data in the web app and press ‘save’. Changing or adding complex information is straightforward and intuitive. It is possible, for example, to specify that income for a non-resident royalty recipient is taxed at a reduced rate due to a double taxation agreement.


Royalty Recipient Manager is directly connected to all Klopotek applications in the area of contracts, rights, and royalties. This application runs on STREAM, Klopotek’s cloud-based platform for optimized user interaction on computers and mobile devices. 

Klopotek STREAM for Contracts, Rights, and Royalties

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